These are Some of the Bodies I have Found
1. Mine Own
when you birthed me
you asked “whose child is this?”
your ear did not know the music of my waiting-to-be-plaited-hair
you could not see the centuries in my near-black eyes
you raised me as a warrior daughter
my limbs grounded by flat feet
protecting you
I remember first really knowing my body was mine
at swimming training when limbs burned
and toes touched true on somersault turn
chlorine did not take the brown from my skin
nor the acres of land I felt I took up
and three
with their chests and pace and fists
throwing themselves in to the air
finding shapes mine could not cast
now at nearly a half a century
I ask “whose body is this?”
are these flushes of fire a compass
guiding me to my next mapping
or are they flames of memory
my past my body
addiction pain loss grief
finally leaving my story
as I walk towards myself
my butt stretches up kissing my hips
which lap in to my back
my body
it never lies to me
I step inside
and make myself at home
2. Hokianga Harbour
how many taniwha
kauri logs & dolphins & ships
have you carried?
Koutu boulders
Tāne Mahuta’s shoulders
oh Wikipedia
yeah, right
“Today the harbour, like the Reformation itself, stands between Protestant and Catholic.”
car ferry to Kohukohu
your bar is crossed
flooded roads to Panguru
waterlogged waka
time will tell
“It was this encroachment of British colonial laws over Māori autonomy that instigated
an armed protest, the response to which became known as the Dog Tax War.”
dark sky sanctuary
three lashed estuaries
your dunes hold me
my bones are yours
3. Wayne
1. find a notebook
2. go to a blank page in that notebook
3. tear that blank page out of that notebook
4. using your right hand scrunch that paper
5. using your right hand throw that paper to the ground
6. find a pen
7. using your left hand throw that pen in the direction of the paper
8. imagine the paper is a body and the pen is a needle
Finding Him
I arrived home after having been out with friends at the pub. I shared a house with three people and guessed I was home alone because there were no lights on. Cold and quiet at 11.30pm. I made my way up to the lounge room and turned on the tv. I started to watch ‘Rage’. A couple of minutes later the electric alarm clock in Wayne’s room started to beep. He worked night-shifts as a shelf-filler at Coles and would often sleep through the alarm so it wasn’t unusual that the alarm relentlessly beeped. Soon the telephone rang. It was his manager asking if he could speak to Wayne. I knocked on Wayne’s door which was slightly ajar, I pushed it open gently and saw him.
Written by Anne-Marie Te Whiu | Mentored by Jacqueline Carter